Blood Type Diet Recipe Center

TypeBase BTD Food Values
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Showing all recipes | View Recipes by GenoType Diet Value
  • 'B' in green box: Recipe contains only neutrals or beneficial ingredients for that type
  • 'L2' in yellow box: Recipe contains an secondary ingredient that is an avoid for that type; however it might be possible to substitute by a more permissible one
  • 'L1' in orange box: Recipe contains and avoid food for that type as primary ingredient
Just enter any term in the search box and Recipe Center will return with the filtered results for that search term. Click on any recipe to to go to its main page. Click on any column title to sort by that column. You can find overlapping permissable recipes by ticking the desired types, then pressing 'Match Types'. If you are a secretor or don't know your secretor value, use the ABO SEC values. Non-secretors use the ABO NS values.
A Sec B Sec O Sec AB Sec A NS B NS O NS AB NS

There are several cookbooks based on the Blood Type Diet that are available in print:

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Our products and services are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. If a condition persists, please contact your physician.
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