Potato, White with Skin


DESCRIPTION: America, the potato can be divided into four basic categories: russet, long white, round white and round red. The russet Burbank potato (also simply called russet and Idaho ) is long, slightly rounded and has a brown, rough skin and numerous eyes. Its low moisture and high starch content not only give it superior baking qualities but also make it excellent for FRENCH FRIES. The russet Burbank was named for its developer, horticulturalist Luther Burbank of Idaho. Although grown throughout the Midwest, the russet is also commonly called IDAHO POTATO (whether or not it's grown there). Long white potatoes have a similar shape as the russet but they have thin, pale gray-brown skins with almost imperceptible eyes. They're sometimes called white rose or California long whites , after the state in which they were developed. Long whites can be baked, boiled or fried. The thumb-sized baby long whites are called finger potatoes. The medium-size round white and round red potatoes are also commonly referred to as boiling potatoes . They're almost identical except that the round white has a freckled brown skin and the round red a reddish-brown coat. They both have a waxy flesh that contains less starch and more moisture than the russet and long white. This makes them better suited for boiling (they're both commonly used to make mashed potatoes) than for baking. They're also good for roasting and frying.

    • May Contain Mold (problematic)
    • Contains a Tyramine Phenolic (problematic)
    • Contains Chitinase (problematic)
    • Rutin
    • Encourages Bad Bacterial Growth (problematic)
    • Contains a Lectin with Mixed Effects
    • Starch
    • High Glycemic (problematic)
    This is a low FODMAPS food. The term FODMAP is an acronym, derived from Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols. FODMAPs are short chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine. FODMAP restriction has been found to improve symptom control in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other functional gastrointestinal disorders