Reprinted from The Blood Type Diet Website (

Quick & Tasty Tomato Rice Pilaf


Pan toasted rice cooked with pre-seasoned Italian style tomatoes in a rice cooker. You can do this in the am and let it sit in your rice cooker - ready for dinner when you get home. Very tasty and simple. Keeps the rice moist, too.

  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup brown rice
  • 1 can (14 ounces) tomatoes (Italian style with oregano, garlic and basil)
How to make it:
  1. Toast the rice on medium high heat in a saute pan with the oil until it is chalky colored.
  2. Put rice in your rice cooker with the recommended amount of water minus half a cup.
  3. Add the seasoned tomatoes and their juices and cook like you normally would in your rice cooker.
  4. It doesn't need extra salt because of all the sodium in the canned tomatoes.
  5. The tomatoes keep it from drying out.
  6. Very tasty! :P