Reprinted from The Blood Type Diet Website (

Walnut Butter and Black Cherry Sandwich


A Type-O-friendly replacement for that bad-old peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

  • 12-16oz chopped walnuts
  • 1/2-cup sugar (optional, if walnut spread used alone, not with all-fruit)
  • 1/4-teaspoon EACH: curry powder, tumeric, ground cloves and salt
  • Polaner Black Cherry AllFruit
  • Ezekial Bread, toasted (or other bread or crackers)
How to make it:
  1. Spread walnuts on a cookie sheet and place under preheated broiler until golden brown--a few minutes is all. In a food processor with metal blade, puree the nuts, (sugar), spices and salt until the mixture combines and spins in a ball around the blade, periodically stopping and scraping the sides. Spead on toasted bread with Black Cherry AllFruit--enjoy!