Reprinted from The Blood Type Diet Website (

Spinach (Fay's Super Blender) Soup


Easy and fast tasty soup. Looks fresh, too. You may send any free copies to anyone through mail or email, but I would like to reserve copy-write as I think I would like to start developing a cookbook!

  • 1 cup very hot water
  • 1 package spinach
  • 1 to 3 teaspoons olive oil or ghee
  • seasoning for your type, if you want
How to make it:
  1. Wash spinach in cold water and take off any tough ends. Set aside to drain.
  2. Heat water to very hot, not boiling.
  3. Steam spinach until just limp and still very bright green.
  4. Do not overcook.
  5. Throw spinach, hot water, olive oil or ghee, and any seasoning that you like with spinach (I only use ghee), all into blender and buzz. Serve in a cup or in a bowl with garnish if you like.

    Easy cleanup

    Put tap-water and soap into blender and buzz. You can run rinse in blender if you like, Bon Appetite