Individual result

Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant

DESCRIPTION: I am a 6' white male, age 49. My life style is pretty healthy. I don't smoke (well, since 1970!), drink moderately, manage stress, and work out six days a week (30 min. aerobic, plus 30 min weights/machines each day). Neverthless, I was gaining weight, slowly but inexorably. Before I began working out, in 1982, I was about 175 lbs, and in so-so shape at best. I built up to a pretty fit 180, and stayed there for years. Then, I began to creep up, reaching 193-4. I read the diet and began it. I'd say I adhere 90% of the time. In three wekks, I was back to 179-80, and I've stayed there. I began in early November of 1997. Five months later, and after the winter (aka food) holidays, I've stayed at the new weight. So, I'm a very happy camper.A concern: my cholesterol has always been pretty high, and still is, now. However, my LDL seems to be climbing. Any recommendations?