Individual result

Type: O | Gender: Male | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant

DESCRIPTION: I am a healthy 42 year old male who is required to undergo a complete yearly physical. I work on an oil tanker and do come in contact with very unhealthy cargo from time to time.Since the mid 80's I have followed mostly a vegetarion diet thinking I was doing the best thing for me health. Beginning in the early 1990s all my results have been excellent from these yearly physicals except for the white blood count. It was rapidly going down and I was being watched for leukopenia. Even having a bone marrow biopsy proved not to give us the answer. My wife and I became aquainted with your book and found it interesting enough to give it a try. We have been closely following the diets for our types since the 12th of March. On the 22 of March my blood was checked and my count was 3.1. It was checked again on April 9 and had jumped to 4.5. This is astonding since it has been consistently in the lower 3 range even as low as 2.6 for so many years. I share this with you in appreciation and if you have any thoughts on this I would be appreciative to hear from you. Yours in good health. Bruce D. Suppes