Individual result

Type: A | Gender: Female | Age: Middle | Effect: Significant

DESCRIPTION: After a trip to the Mediterranean, I spent two years with severe intestinal problems. I could not get through a meal without running to the bathroom. Every medical test possible was performed, with no tangible results. They could not find what was wrong, and I began to be viewed as someone with questionable symptoms. I lost muscle mass and was aging prematurely as my body was unable to absorb necessary nutrients. A new gym opened nearby, and they are promoting your book as their "bible". Within two days of starting the diet plan for Type A's, my digestion and elimination was back to normal. My husband immediately began the plan for Type B. He has beat the odds on a rare autoimmune disease he was diagnosed with 5 years ago, but he feels wonderful on his diet of his favorite foods. We have only been following this plan a couple weeks, but we are believers so far!