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3 out of 4

Appear to be the odds that your health will improve by following the right diet for your blood type. The facts are clearcut: In the 6617 individuals who reported their results from following the Blood Type Diet for a period of one month or more, three out of four (71-78%) had significant improvement in a variety of health conditions. Weight loss was the effect most often observed but a number of reports detailed improvements in digestive function, resistance to stress, overall energy and mental clarity.

The percentages (71-78%) of visitors reporting positive results are consistent across all the blood types. Type O (following a higher protein lower-carb diet) appeared as likely to report positive results as Type A (following a lower fat, plant-based diet) or types B and AB (following an omnivorous diet.)

The results certainly appear to question many of the standardized one size fits all diets advanced by the diet gurus, governments and agribusiness.

Genetic testing and personalized diets are now quite popular and perhaps nutrition science is catching up with The Blood Type Diet. That's O.K. --we're old hands at it. Dr. D'Adamo's work builds upon theory advanced by his father almost a half-century ago.

Listen to Dr. Peter D'Adamo's Interview
with Dr. Mehmet Oz
on Oprah and Friends XM Radio
February 13, 2008
5 out of 25

Perhaps that is why for the first half of 2008 an average of five out of the 25 bestselling health books on are books written by Dr. Peter D'Adamo, including the #1 bestseller in the category. His books have sold over 5 million copies worldwide and his works have been translated into over sixty-five languages.

Dr. D'Adamo's books remain popular bestsellers because the recommendations contained inside them work --most people who eat right for their type fell better. Word of mouth and individual success stories often does the rest. Over the last ten years he has trained over 300 health professionals in his work, which he continues to research clinically.

"One of the ten most important
health books ever written."


To the first science that understands you as a biochemical individual. Following decades of on-going research and clinical work, Dr. D'Adamo created The Blood Type Diets, a way of eating and living that has transformed the health of millions.

His first book, the New York Times best-seller Eat Right 4 Your Type started a health revolution over ten years later that continues ever-stronger. With more than 5 million copies in print in over 50 languages, Eat Right 4 Your Type celebrates its 10th year as an unprecedented non-stop bestseller in hardcover, and was named as one of the ten most important health books ever written by respected health publishing analysts.

We invite you to explore our website, interact with fellow BTD'ers and discover a powerful new world of individualized opportunities for better health.

Dr. D'Adamo's new book The GenoType Diet examines the possibilities of epigenetics and the use of diet to profoundly alter gene function and genetic destiny.